Raising Canes

Is Speed Bumps Installation Necessary for Asphalt Parking Lots?

Are Speed Bumps Necessary for Asphalt Parking Lots?

Speed bumps control the speed of motorists and increase driver awareness, and they are intended to help protect both pedestrians and property. Parking lots without speed bumps often have a higher occurrence of pedestrian injuries due to uncontrolled vehicle speeds. Excessive speeds also increase the possibility of damage to your property and collisions between vehicles. In addition, speed bumps help to protect the property owner against potential liability should injuries or accidents occur; when speed bumps are installed properly, liability may shift to the driver of the vehicle causing the injury or property damage.

What Are Speed Bumps?

Asphalt companies can add speed bumps during the initial construction of the parking lot or install them later. Speed bumps are constructed from the same material as the pavement around them. One of their most important functions is to slow vehicle movement to allow pedestrians safe passage when entering and exiting businesses. Speed bumps are also strategically placed throughout a parking lot to help control traffic speeds and flow to protect property, including other parked and moving vehicles.

Working with parking lot owners and managers, the professional asphalt pavement contractor determines the placement of speed bumps to best control vehicle speeds and enhance driver awareness. Every effort will be made to achieve these goals without making the speed bumps excessively annoying to drivers and pedestrians.

How Are Speed Bumps Constructed?

After the exact area of construction for the new speed bump is determined, the asphalt contractor cordons off the area and detours traffic around the work. This is done to protect the asphalt workers as well as the work being performed. The contractor will make every attempt to ensure that detouring pedestrian and vehicle movement will not unnecessarily inconvenience patrons and impede business.

The area where the speed bump will be constructed is marked and the existing pavement cleaned of all debris. The pavement is then notched or keyed. A liquid asphalt bonding material is poured into the notched and prepared area. New asphalt pavement is applied and shaped into the speed bump. The speed bump is mechanically compacted to complete the construction process. A finished height of three to four inches is usually desirable. The area is then opened to traffic.

After approximately 30 days, the speed bump is cured and ready for seal coating. After seal coating, parking lot striping contractors recommend that the speed bump be painted to enhance visibility. Striping contractors can paint the entire speed bump a solid color, but a pattern featuring stripes or chevrons will enhance visibility and is more desirable. The finished speed bump should be visible in both daytime and nighttime conditions. Proper warnings, including signs mounted on posts and notices painted on the pavement, may need to be placed.

Trust Your Parking Lot Maintenance to Affordable

Affordable Striping & Sealing specializes in maintenance for asphalt parking lots in the greater Las Vegas area. Our services include asphalt crack sealing, parking lot striping, parking lot layout, traffic sign installation, pavement markings, sealcoating, road markings and bumper blocks. We are a well-respected company with impeccable references and a reputation for providing exceptional work and superior customer service at affordable rates. If you would like a free quote, simply fill out our online form or call 702-222-9009.

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